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i have had one for 10 years, imported direct from the US, never had any joy with it at all. Yes they hear it ok, look towards it but I have never had one come running in. My hand squeaks work better.


Others here have had success, I would be interested to read how as I am doing something wrong somewhere.



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Hello bud. It all depends on the call ? I prefer to use rat distress. This seems to pull all the vixens in. I usually call for 2-5 minutes then 5-10 minute rest and go like that. It seems to work out for me so give it a try and if not try another call or different time periods. Also if you use the rat i would put it 100 yard away and have it so you can only just hear it.


Let me know how you get on

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i have had one for 10 years, imported direct from the US, never had any joy with it at all. Yes they hear it ok, look towards it but I have never had one come running in. My hand squeaks work better.


Others here have had success, I would be interested to read how as I am doing something wrong somewhere.



same problem here only had a couple come in.sat in the back of the cupboard now.very interested to see what works for others before it gets sold

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I find it depends on time of year ie using dog or vixen calls when in mating season brings them flying in ,partridge distress is very good as is rat distress just don't have them too loud and don't change to often the fox could be there out of sight and get spooked with constant call changes.what works on one fox doesn't mean it will work on next .place the caller at range your rifle will comfortably take fox and turn it so you can just hear it placing it on a stick helps sound travel better,atb

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