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Hull cartridge 29 gram HV 'superfast'

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Are you sure?

how are you interpreting the meaning of the word lead as in the what the shot is made from or lead, as in to lead a horse to water? i had ment it as in if the shell is slower you would need to give it more lead in front of the target to compensate ! it doesnt help 2 diffrent word have the same spelling does it!

Edited by mike-b
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how are you interpreting the meaning of the word lead as in the what the shot is made from or lead, as in to lead a horse to water? i had ment it as in if the shell is slower you would need to give it more lead in front of the target to compensate ! it doesnt help 2 diffrent word have the same spelling does it!

Yes, i meant forward allowance. There should be virtually no difference in lead.


Got a slab of Kent hv pigeon yesterday, mixed reviews good and bad so ill give these a try.

I'd imagine the people saying they're bad can't shoot straight.

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I've had to go for Rio 28g fibres instead of the hull superfast. Fingers crossed they are ok.

Is there a limit on how many cartridges you can keep a home, might have to stock up on the hulls.


15Kg of propellent. A quick search turned up this guide which suggests approx 7500 cartridges, but obviously that will vary with how much powder is loaded in them :good:http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/8FAC12F1-E5C2-4C01-A72F-2439D7D81BBE/0/ExplosivesGuidanceNotesRenewals.pdf

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