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12g to .22 blank adaptor ?


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Hi all, I want a 12-.22 blank adaptor for dog training and the ones I've seen are bloody expensive. I know there are a few metal turners/engineers on here so I'm just wondering if anyone has made an adaptor ? And could possibley buzz me a couple up? Or sell me any they have spare ? Cheers lads.

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A primer is surprisingly loud, clay and game (and others) sell primed cases reasonably cheap. They're really dirty though so don't forget to clean afterwards. I started my springer with primers, can't say how well it worked though because she'd cower in her bed at the sight of a gun!! I was terrified she was gun shy and after trying lots of other things (with next to no success) I decided to take her for a walk with the gun, I shot a pigeon which she retrieved beautifully and that was it; can't leave the house without her if I've got a gun now - she's had more of an apprenticeship than the normal training.

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I wouldn't recommend my way to be honest but I really had run out of things to try - it could easily have gone horribly wrong.


You could always buy a box of primers and put them in your empties, about £4/100. Push the spent one out with a screwdriver or whatever, push the new one in as far as you can with your thumb and finish it off by pushing it on something flat.

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Well just got a free pair of snap caps from my local gun shop,and 100 shotgun primers for £5.10 and they fit perfect !!! Now to take the dog over a permission and start her off. Thank everyone for the advise :) especially welshworrior.

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