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Miroku MK60 - rusty chambers?

Chris 1985

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Afternoon all.


Looking at buying a second hand MK60 as it fits well, I'm not too worried about m/c and its a reasonable price. According to the serial no its dated 1997.


Only thing is I've seen a few comments online about rust in the chambers being an issue? If anyone can confirm this or offer any other thoughts on this gun I'd be grateful for any help as I'm still a newbie!





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i had an old mk38 trap that was around that age, chrome lined bores and i kept them spotless, never had any rust issuses with it, just keep the bores clean and get the pastic residue out and they should be fine

edit. it was alot easier to keep them clean than my beretta i have now! takes me bloody ages to get the the plastic **** out!!

Edited by OvEr_KiLL
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Had 3 in different grades and gauges, great guns. Only problem is a fairly common one and that's pitted bottom firing pins. Cost me £30 to replace but to be honest they will go on and on even with slight cratering. In terms of reliability they are the same action as the browning 325 425 525 etc. Miroku make most of the brownings these days. In my opinion they are the best value for money guns on the market.

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