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Book on game keeping

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Can any one suggest a good book on game keeping? I've just joined a syndicate and don't have the first clue about what needs doing or what anyone is talking about really and I'm keen to help! Obviously I'll learn "on the job", but I like having a bit of background knowledge on these things.


I've read quite a few articles online and in shooting times etc. but they do require a certain amount of basic knowledge. I need a dummies guide....!


I'd really appreciate anyone's suggestions.





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The game conservancy books are really good they helped me a lot when I first got into keepering you normally get them on ebay although I'm sure if you go on their website they will sell them too. I'm sure their called the game and wildlife conservation trust now though, mine are all on grouse moor management otherwise you coulda had them

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i've picked up a few over the years, i'd say best ones are either by authors ian Mcall, mike Swans or david hudson's who i think are all GWCT workers. Sometimes theGCT organise shoot walks, or at least the scottish lot did where u walk round a shoot and they advise u on various things and answer questions, good to se other shoots, think basc do 1 day courses too


If u flick throu the GCWT site as well as BASC site (possibly NGO?) and read some off best practice guidelines u won't be far away.


I'm sure ur shoot captain should organise work parties and tell u what he wants done, really most off it is common sense once u've been shown and understand it


Good to see guns taking an interest, take my hat off to u :good: too many just want to turn up on shoot days and shoot without doing any work. For me that's the enjoyment getting the craic, doing the work improving the drive and then shooting the hopefully better bird.

Edited by scotslad
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