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Only An Observation -


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I know people sell things in the For Sale section to get rid of things no longer needed, or to fund new purchases. :)

I don't have a problem with people who sell things on to make additional money from items they bought elsewhere for less. :good:


I have however observed that if an item is for sale on PW (not guns) then it is well worth looking on ebay for it as well.

I am talking here about the exact item for sale on here from the same person and not a 'same as' item from someone else.

Now I understand that the more exposure an item for sale has, then it has more chances to sell, but why do some supposed like minded people feel it necessary to make more money off PW members?


For example -


An item is for sale on ebay for £20 plus £5 delivery, so a total of £25 done and dusted to the buyer.


The exact same item on PW may be for sale for £20 and it will state £5 delivery, but then it will state 'plus paypal charges' so the total now is £25 plus paypal.


Now if someone is prepared to sell on ebay then they will have paid insertion fees, and then if the sale is successful they will then pay sellers fees.

This means that they make less money on ebay than selling on PW so why do people add 'plus paypal fees' to sale items on PW. :/


This is not the case with all members, obviously, but definitely with some - and no, I will not name them. :no:

Is it my naivety expecting that like minded people would pass on savings to like minded people.


As the title states this is soley my observation - or not ?





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I see no problem in asking for paypal fees if the seller is offering other options such as bank transfer .


The choice is then with the buyer and I do not see why the seller should be out of pocket if the buyer chooses the method which means the seller will incur charges .


The fees could of course be included in the price but then someone wishing to pay via bank transfer will end up paying more.


Its no different from lots of retailers charging extra if you pay via credit rather than debit card .

Edited by fenboy
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But the price on eBay obviously includes PayPal fees?

If they are prepared to take a hit on PayPal charges on eBay then why not on PW ?


The couple of things I have sold on here I have just sent a cheque and told the member / seller to cash the cheque and send the goods when they have cleared funds in their account. This could be open to abuse, but so far PW members have proven to be honest decent folk as I have given them the credit to be. I have only sold one item and just did the same in reverse - I sent the item and let the buyer then forward me a cheque.


Probably just me.

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It's not so much whether the seller agrees to buy or not - you are right and that's down to us as individuals to decide yes or no.


It's more the principle behind the sale - as in making more from PW members as to just the normal non PW buyers of ebay.


Sounds definitely just me then :)

Edited by station
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