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Midland Game Fair


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I have never been to the Midland before being at the "wrong" time of year for me. But this year I am going to go because of the cheap family tickets from the NGO!


I have heard it is a really good show, what is the traffic like? Should I expect a mini CLA?


NGO have some tickets discounted from £50 to £30!




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I can't compare it to the CLA as I've never been there, but the Midland certainly is a good day out and there is absolute

loads there for all aspects of country sports/ pursuits. Went for the first time last year and going again this year and is well

looking forward to it. Plenty of good deals to be had up there as I had a couple last year on some clothing stuffs.

Down side to it is the price of the food up there, very dear and I would take filled rolls or something other then buying up


And be aware of the ****** that wonder around in groups, they stick out a mile as their usually the shifty looking ones

who hang around the beer stall looking for people to pick pocket or follow back to their cars with bought goods, so they can nick out

Of them once they have gone. There was a few incidents last year of a few cars being broken into and stuffs stolen from them by these

unsavoury characters.

But otherwise to that its a decent day out with plenty to see.



Edited by deputy dog
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It's got worse every year. It used to be massive but had gradually shrunk . The food part is tiny compared to what it was and I get sick to death of mobile phone stands .

I'm never going again as I have for 16 years and the ticket price is disgusting in my opinion now .

In previous years I've waited in traffic for 3.5 hours to cover 5 miles

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