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info needed

the poacher

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right where do I start......



looks as if im going to be splitting up with the mrs .....what I need to know is obviously shes keeping the house as they do....ill have to rent a house or flat prob council property....where do I stand in keeping my shotguns rifles ect ...do they allow it haven't been in this situation before .that's why I need as much info as possible ....any ifo would be much appreciated




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Sorry to hear your bad news (I presume it's bad :whistling: ). Different councils across the country have different approaches to firearms so your best contacting them to find out. As for private landlords, I would check with your FEO and see what they say on this subject as your landlord may have some sort of past and letting them know you are keeping firearms at your property could be classed as a security risk. The less people that know you store firearms at your address the better your security is. BASC or similar may be worth a call to see where you stand.

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