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Sensationalist gun ownership reporting


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You can tell it's silly season for journalists. The 'kids with gun licenses' is one of the regular themes that gets trotted out periodically by bored hacks with not much else to do this time of year.


Edit: Well, against my better judgement I clicked the link. True to form, the article is based on loads of gross mis-information. The author makes a fairly basic mistake of fact in the very first sentence which sets the bar of incompetence pretty damn high!



Edited by JonathanL
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Journalists of any persuasion have never let facts get in the way of a good story.

And that's exactly why false,misleading or inflamatory statements need to be challenged.This way there is a good chance of turning a 'good' story into a non-story,which this is when all the facts are made known.

Well done aris.

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As has been said, journalists never let the facts get in the way of a good story. A similar story about kids with guns was all over the national press a few years ago, and I think groups like Animal Aid wanted a change in the law. That attempt failed though. But we should respond to stories like this and make the facts clear.

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