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Variation for replacement rifle due to fault.

Ben W.

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Need a nudge in the right direction please everyone.


My LH CZ American was returned to the factory as it was faulty from new. They have sent a replacement to my RFD which is now at the shop but I have to complete a variation due to the serial numbers being different before collecting it.


Does anyone know what form I fill in and what I should state on the form? I presume I am to send my certificate off with it too?


Many thanks in adavance.



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Hi Ben,

First you have to notify them separately that you have transferred/sold your original. Just the normal letter/form.

In Surrey, you have to fill out the entire firearms application form again for a variation, Its a pain in the butt :yes: All sections need to be filled including firearms already owned, number of rounds and type of ammo in possession, primary land details etc, etc. The only thing you don't need again are referees and photo's. And you will need to send in your cert as they will issue you with a new one and the slot free to go again with the new one. That's Surrey, I should imagine its the same round the country. I've recently done it. Hope this helps. :good:


Just looked on the Suffolk firearms dept page. Its the same as here, form 101 :good: .

Edited by turbo33
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Thanks Turbo, will get right on to it. Sounds like a round about procedure for the sake of a serial number switch though but I'm sure there is a good reason for it.


There isn't a good reason for it. It's the way it is because British firearms laws are badly thought out and terribly implimented.


The one positive thing is that will become slightly easier when the new forms come in on 1st December.



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I was chatting to a local RFD about this absurd arrangement. I thought it would be sensible if RFD's had the power to remove one firearm from your cert and replace it with another to save the whole 1-1 variation hassle. He said that it was being looked at already and may well happen in the near future, which is a tremendous step forward if it does :good:

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Your firearms dept must be notified within 7 days of the sale/transfer of your firearm. Presumably so they can keep track of its whereabouts. Here's a link to the Surrey Firearms form, Suffolk will probably have a similar to download. If not, use this one as a basis for the information you need to tell them.



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I'm with you Turbo, so presumably for the disposed of section I would just put the address of my RFD despite him actually having or acquiring the rifle as it is now presumably being crushed back at the factory (or re-stamped and shipped off to another poor ****** no doubt).

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Oh and one last thing....................you have to then notify them when you get the new one :yes: So, first form to tell them you've transferred it to your dealer, then the main form, firearms application, to apply for the variation, then the last one to notify them when you get the new one. That's why everything takes so long, toooooooo much paperwork :yes:

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I just feel sorry for the trees and the price they are paying for my rifle registration (he says throwing another log on the fire)


Thanks again guys, had to wait three weeks for the first rifle to arrive, ten days for it to be sent back with confirmation of replcement and now I'll have to wait for this variation. In the meantime the bunnies are having a right old laugh around the fields.

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I just feel sorry for the trees and the price they are paying for my rifle registration (he says throwing another log on the fire)

Thanks again guys, had to wait three weeks for the first rifle to arrive, ten days for it to be sent back with confirmation of replcement and now I'll have to wait for this variation. In the meantime the bunnies are having a right old laugh around the fields.

Variations in my part of Suffolk are usually 4-5 days. my farmer mate has done 2 this year and both were 4 days back to his door, give your FEO and ring tell whats happened and put a note in with your variation to confirm your the phone call, why not ask if you can pick it ??? The Suffolk firearms dept are really good.


Edited by Alanl50
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