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Shooters Ear Protection.


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Up till now I have been using a set of 3M PELTOR OPTIME ear protectors when clay shooting or refereeing clay shoots. These do block the sounds out quite well but they also make it hard to hear some of the quieter shooters when they call "Pull" or wish to discuss something with me.

With this in mind I am thinking of buying a better set of ear protectors that are "more suited to the job in hand" and came across these Surefire EARPRO EP4 Sonic Ear Defenders.

My question is: Do any of you use these particular ear protectors or have any experience of them and are they any good please.

Your thoughts and advice would be most appreciated.

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My advice would be to get the best electronic ear defenders you can afford.

The better ones cut out all mechanical and electrical sound, cut out the damaging sound of the shot but let you hear the quietest conversation going on outside of the stand.

When I ran the shooting ground and taught on corporate days, I wouldn't be without them.

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Guest rimotu66

Speak up! :lol:


Tonker, any suggestions? I am thinking of wearing some this season for the first time ever, starting to get a buzzing in my ears.

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Hi, rimotu66

I used to use Browning defenders back then, they were about 45 quid, but I am going back a good 10 or 12 years, so I would guess

£70ish pound now. Don't make the mistake I did, once your hearing is damaged it's done for good were not imortal :no:

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I use the Proshock Hocks filter in ear protectors and have made a massive difference to my shooting experience. I had electronic over ear defenders and they irritated me, when had a cap and glasses on. I also caught my stock on them sometimes, which was more my fault than the ear defenders.


I was dubious at first as you have to have moulds made from your ear, but they work brill, can hear people talking and they block out the gunshots.


I would recommend this brand, service was superb and the product also.

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To be fair frenchie their are lots to choose from :) I use peltor myself. good quality, good price if you search round. Min, max volume, low battery etc but they work very well also which is great. I am almost deaf in my right ear and wearing these is like wearing earing aids everything is loud and clear.

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