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A question arose the other day between a group of shooters, no one could give a firm answer. Maybe someone on PW will be able to.

The scene is this: I have .22lr and .17hmr on my ticket, although not an open ticket it allows me to shoot on other land.

A farmer asks me to clear some rabbits, I check with my Firearms Dept and they say the land has never been approved for any calibre. A friend who has an open ticket is asked to do the job, he turns up, checks the land and deems it safe to use up to .223 calibre, using whatever calibre he requires he clears the rabbit problem.

The question is, because he has deemed the land fit for up to .223 can I then shoot on the land with rimfire?


I know on my FAC the clause states land deemed suitable by Police in who's area.......etc, but could the above example also deem the land as suitable.


This has probably been asked before but it will put half a dozen minds to rest.



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