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Dear Sirs :yp:


I am sure most of you will be aware I operate a shooting agency in Fife and Aberdeenshire.


I have a big problem and I would like a little help.


Eric Begbie has a chat forum dedicated to wildfowling.




On this forum there are serious alligations of big bags of Geese being shot by my clients, one bag mentioned is 215 Geese in 3 days.


The facts are 12 clients were with us at the time 2 groups of 6 shooting more than 30 miles from each other I dont know how many each group shot as all the geese were put in the chiller.


All the Geese shot by my clients have the meat removed and all the meat is used by the clients or friends.


As far as I am aware my clients have never shot more than the BASC limmit over a 3 day holiday yes sometimes you have a bad day say 10 geese and the next a good day say 40 geese but we never ever shoot big bags.


Even though we are not with the BASC at this moment as we dont like the way things are run in Scotland, we do support Goose shooting with conservation in mind.


I am fortunate enough to have two Lochs with over 5000 geese on them both just now and they are never shot at, now how many BASC guides would blow those places up as the previous tennent did :)?:D.



Please could someone cut and past my reply to Begbies site so at least I can fight my corner :lol:?:P and make him aware that the comments have been passed to my Lawyer with a view to suing for slander, as these nasty comments made are unjust, untrue and damaging to our business. By allowing these comments to be published is removing the true meaning of this sport, these comments in turn take the 'sport' out of the sport, making it more vindictive as opposed to something we should be enjoying.







Andrew Richardson

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Whilst I have sympathy for your plight Hunterswind if what you say is true but alas I don't think anyone here could help. You have a computer and you have submitted a post in your defence so I would suggest you could do the same on the offending website?:yp:


If the allegations you suggest have been made against you can be substantiated, then these words are libel and not slander, Spoken word it slander: libel is written, so if these allegations have been posted on a website then it is libel.


Only you know if these allegations can be substantiated so I think it best, with respect not to bring this site or its members into question or possible legal action themselves by completing requests on your behalf.


I wish you well in your defence of your claim, I'm sure like others, I would be interested in the outcome from a pure noseness perspective.


Col Pol

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A big thanks to you all for your support.


As you can all see on Begbies site not all people are as well mannerd as ourselves on this site.


I have never ever seen such a bunch of small minded people with large chips on the shoulders.


I was banned from Begbies site for fighting my corner against the infamous Lee Rob and as such I have had to take a lot of flack over the last few months and this was the last straw.


I am looking forward to being back on here a little more often as soon as the season ends.



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Hi Everyone.


I am the Eric Begbie whose wildfowling forum Andy Richardson was complaining about.


In actual fact, the "allegations" about large bags made on my forum were merely reflecting the claims of large bags that Andy made on his own website. In other words, the forum supported his advertising.


Admittedly some contributors used some rather rude language to express themselves! That's putting it mildly. But the truth of the matter is that there are many wildfowlers who get upset or annoyed when they read about what they would consider to be excessive bags of geese. They obviously don't go out with guides like Andy.


On the other hand, there are many potential clients who will use the services of Andy and other guides like him for the very reason that they do hope to occasionally make a large bag.


So what do we have here? A thread on a wildfowling forum where some folk, who would never go with him anyway, vent their spleen in somewhat immoderate terms. And a whole lot of free publicity that backs up the very claims that Andy makes himself in his own advertising. And it gives him an excuse to highlight these claims on this Forum as well.


He may pretend to be annoyed but he must actually be laughing all the way to the bank.


Anyone interested in wildfowling can find the forum here: Wildfowling Discussion Forum


Regards to all.



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yep self addverts ha ha ha nice photos of geese in that site 78 in three days thats what 26 a day for 4 shooters 6 geese each a day per gunn thats not to bad im not into large bags mu self famous last words but if some one wants to do it good on them that can get into the birds here in nz we dont have a limit on canadas in a lot of areas but most dont over do it how meany u want to carry outand how meany u want to clean :yp:

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Eric learn to read !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The clames were not on my site they were on the NARGC discussion site.




Those numbers were never on my site, the reason my site has changed is we changed addresses and the counter and guest book were lost.


Ps we dont realy need to advertise as most of next season is booked up already by this years happy clients.

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nouthing but dont they recomend it in the uk some shoot big bags some shoot a few some one or too its getting out and doing or sport not the nummbers any way i shoot a aus black swan shoot cull here that runs into some thing like 2000 birds in at about an hour beat that :) its a population thing, i am abit aganst u hogging all the hunting in your area but u do sell your self as more responsable than basc guilds but whos to say that a,nt bs, but then u have the rights to a lot of birds in your area, but that just could be money, i think u have a good case in standing up for what u belive and with the ue dictating on our sport these days even we have to do euro gap to export or fruit to the eu there is a fine line between pleaser and pain, and haveing read the rules that are beeing layed down on complinse in england by basc some of witch i think are good but once one starts on this sort of track it can be esay for it to get short circited so any ones other opinion is most interresting but i still think that u may be blunten addvertising h HA HA HA HA :D:lol::P:P:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :yp: for the average hunter honouring the code is going to be good for shooting and what then are u going to do if say iceland puts a tax on the birds that are born on there breeding grounds basc will maybe the only body with the money to fight it? alli can see around the world is more and more of our sport beening turned in to money makeing which imay be ok in the the uk but even in the uk it seems to me that its more and more money shooting in new zealand has up to now been well in reach of the commern mans money but these days with guns ammo licences decs etc its starting to get out of control and be come eletist expecaly with ammo hevi shot should not be taxed good luck on the birds one day i would love to get to scotland and get a shot or to at them

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Eric learn to read !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The clames were not on my site they were on the NARGC discussion site.




Those numbers were never on my site, the reason my site has changed is we changed addresses and the counter and guest book were lost.


Ps we dont realy need to advertise as most of next season is booked up already by this years happy clients.



The bag numbers that started the current thread were quoted from another site but most of the "complaints" about you on other threads did relate to your own claims of 100+ bags on your own website.


On the current thread, in a posting where I chided a contributor for what I thought to be OTT language about you, I also pointed out that the bags you mentioned were well within the possibilities set by the BASC recommended limits.




Don't get so uptight. There is a lot of truth in the old saying that "all publicity is good publicity" and if you don't need any additional publicity, then all the better. Good luck to you - there are plenty of geese to go round. I have actually posted a contribution on the Wildfowling Forum today where I give an example of 33 geese being shot by a party of 6 guns in one morning and I make it clear that, in the circumstances that pertained, I thought it was perfectly OK, despite being marginally above the BASC limits for a single flight at pinks.



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I do not condone nor condemn this particular kind of shooting. One thing is for sure, the anti-hunting lobby does not need self-hyped propaganda. They can simply can come to a site such as this and find it in abundance. It appears we are condemning our own sport without the actions of such lobbies. It is our duty to unify and fight for our sports survival and report any worries to our own policing bodies such as BASC. Lets put this matter aside and move forward.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ive got to say that i myself am a very keen wildfowler on the south coast and made my first trip to scotland to go goose shooting with a guide, i was appalled, these geese are being seriously over shot, every time a skein got up there were a volley of shots fired every time. This was just a remenisant of the glory days on the wash, and just look at how overshot that is and how much the wildfowl has decined!

People bringing back bags of 10 geese from each flight...........WHY?

i bet after they shot these marvoullos birds they were stuffed as to what would do with them and probably coulndt be bothered to pluck them. I wander how many geese were simply thrown in a bush on the way home?

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