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GWA associate member(s) looking for a favour next week please


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Hi all,


If you are a full GWA member please read on....


I have joined GWA as an associate this year along with Highbird 70 and we have been fortunate to have been taken out on some of the taster flights and also some privately arranged flights.


Such is my enthusiasm for this new branch of shooting that I booked a cottage near Frampton for next week (Monday lunchtime to Friday lunchtime) with the hope that I would be able to find a few GWA full members who would be able to take me out on some flights during the week. Maybe I should have sorted the flights out first, but like I say, I was excited and so the cottage was booked and paid for months ago.


Anyway, I have been helped out by one member on here who has agreed to accompany me on flights next Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning which is really great and I'm so grateful for his time (thanks Ben!)


I emailed about 18 members on the GWA site who have indicated they would be willing to take people out but unfortunately I've hit a bit of a brick wall with this with no positive replies as yet. So....plan B


If any of you guys reading this are planning on going out next Monday evening, Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning, Thursday evening or Friday morning would you consider getting in touch and offering for me to come along with you? I'm happy to go to which ever marsh suits you, just would like to at least feel the price of the cottage was justified.


When I say me, I mean us ( me and Highbird70) at least for the Thursday evening and Friday morning slots. I foolishly invited him along without actually sorting out the full members to take us out so if any of you can help out we would be really grateful......and it will save him having to castrate me for not sorting this out!


Please feel free to pm me if you can help out and I'll get straight back to you


Here's hoping!


Dave and Marco

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