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Hand Feeding

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Hand feeding needs to be done early morning as the birds are coming off the roost and then later in the afternoon before they go back to roost. by this time of year they should be fed just in the mornings as there isn't much point with the afternoon feed as the days are so short. If you are handfeeding you can't really afford to miss a morning as your birds will come off the roost, find nothing and go looking elsewhere so you will soon lose your birds by not feeding them.

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I still hand feed and have done for thirty years I hand feed in the covers at the time I want the most birds there ie if I have a drive I want to shoot at ten always feed there at ten this needs to be started as soon as the birds start to get there huge deep straw rides so they have to spend loads of time looking for the food I feed twice a day feed them out in the morning then back home in the afternoon the skill comes with how much food to use too much and not only will you be waiting money but the birds will get a crop full quickly and then go for a walk too little and they will still be hungry and go looking else where

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