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branches over pond

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Afternoon, I have recently picked up a nice bit of land with a river running through it. The ducks fly down this river on there way to other feeding grounds and we have had a few evenings flighting them when the weather has been right.


Just off the river there is an old flight pond which hasnt been touched for a good few years so everything is over grown. There is a good bit of water showing but it is surrounded by trees with the branches over hanging the water. it is a long pond around 100 yards long but only 20 yards wide. I have stood as far into the pond as possible and looked up and there is a little bit of daylight coming through but not a huge amount.


My question is, will ducks be able to get into the pond? At the moment with the leaves on the trees I would imagine not, maybe teal? But I cannot see any mallard getting into it. I cant see there being a problem with taking out a few trees as it is mostly willow, but should I start putting in some barley as it is shallow in the margins or will I be wasting my time?


Im thinking of putting in some decoys to see if any passing ducks will see them as sometimes they are low enough and looking for water (they could possibly be using the river as I have lifted a few when walking it up).


What do you guys reckon? We have permission from the landlord to dig a pond out in one of the water meadows but he wants to come up and see exactly where we want to put it before he gives us the 100% go ahead.


Any suggestions welcome



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If you are allowed to, cut a gap in the trees on the leeward side of the pond (ducks landing into prevailing wind). Useful to scrape out some shallows at that end and feed some barley - check for visitors.

Once the birds can see the water surface they should come regularly if you feed. I would also remove any branches overhanging the water for about 30/40 yds into the pond from the newly opened end.

Tell us how you get on. You could also try some call ducks £5 each ish and very useful to get the ond 'known' by their wild bretheren.

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I will try that thanks. We are thinking next season to have 1 pond as a wild flight pond and 1 for tame ducks to supliment the pheasant days. I just haven't decided which one will have what on.


I will make a start on it Saturday and get a bag of barley in there as well as all the acorns I can pick up.

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Mallard will get in as it is trust me but they need a reason to come to the pond , start feeding and go from there :good:

ps, im feeding a pond at the moment that's only a 10 yrd circle with willow surrounding it and mallard and teal are dropping in :yes: very shallow so ideal feeding ground :)

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Cheers magman. I'm getting some barley Thursday from the shoot I beat on so I will stick it in on the way home from there.


My biggest concern was the fact they might not see the water when flying over on the flight line but if you have no problems then things could be looking good?

Cheers magman. I'm getting some barley Thursday from the shoot I beat on so I will stick it in on the way home from there.


My biggest concern was the fact they might not see the water when flying over on the flight line but if you have no problems then things could be looking good?

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We have a pond on the shoot a bit like this.

We shoot it every week without fail first thing after lunch. We walk out to the pond and spread out around it. I go around the back of the pond and quietly come in through a wooded bit with the dog and get the duck off over the waiting guns. The duck always come out the same places regardless of how we approach it. I usually get off a shot as they go over the trees.

Be thoughtful of which trees you cut down because if you open it out too much, or in the wrong place the duck will fly out, out of shot range or over the river which might cause retrieval problems.

When we shoot, the duck fly away. We collect up the shot ones and put a little wheat into the shallows. When the duck come back in, the pond is quiet and feed is there. We don’t put decoys on it and the duck don’t associate the pond as dangerous to come into. They come in to a safe pond all week and stay as long as they do between flighting. We don’t collect acorns and put them in the pond but just tip them out onto the bank under the trees. The duck come into feed and walk up under the trees. Sometimes if someone has the time they go and scatter a carrier bag of wheat into the shallows. If the duck are on the pond they either fly off or just swim up the other end. At least we know that they are coming in and the ones that stay are straight onto the new feed which encourages them to come back along with any others. Most people think of shooting the incoming birds on flight but we do it the other way around. It works for us.

Ps we only use wheat. don't grow barley. ducks still eat it no probs

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They'll already know it's there, they just need a reason to visit, food.


The mallard will have no problem getting in, but you may want to thin the trees to allow you to see them.


Cheers magman. I'm getting some barley Thursday from the shoot I beat on so I will stick it in on the way home from there.

My biggest concern was the fact they might not see the water when flying over on the flight line but if you have no problems then things could be looking good?
Cheers magman. I'm getting some barley Thursday from the shoot I beat on so I will stick it in on the way home from there.

My biggest concern was the fact they might not see the water when flying over on the flight line but if you have no problems then things could be looking good?

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