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Vitamin supplements


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What have they said is wrong with your shoulder ?

I'm a believer in Glucosamine for joint care in general.




If you read this thread I started awhile back, it will explain http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/261993-steroid-injection/


But basically, I have arthritis in my right shoulder. The only cure is an operation, but hopefully, not for a few years yet.



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Steve, have a look at "trust me I'm a doctor" on BBC iPlayer. I think it was episode 2 where they examined vitamin supplements and did some tests. The short version is that most of us get all the vitamins we need in our diets. It isn't the case that more is better as once you have what you need and what your body can cope with, any extra will simply pass through your system and down the bog in your urine. This is not what the supplement companies want you to hear, as its a multi billion pound industry who thrive on very clever and persuasive advertising. The doctors on the program concluded that with a few exceptions, pregnant women, strict veggies etc, they were a complete con and waste of money.

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Try Emu Oil.


Thankfully I don't have cause to use it (yet) but apparently it's amazing for arthritis and muscle & joint pain. I bought some for my Grandfather years ago and he said it helped. A bit more info here:




Very interesting. I will look into this product.



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The short version is that most of us get all the vitamins we need in our diets. It isn't the case that more is better as once you have what you need and what your body can cope with, any extra will simply pass through your system and down the bog in your urine.


This is not what the supplement companies want you to hear, as its a multi billion pound industry who thrive on very clever and persuasive advertising. The doctors on the program concluded that with a few exceptions, pregnant women, strict veggies etc, they were a complete con and waste of money.


Absolutely spot on :yes:

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What have they said is wrong with your shoulder ?

I'm a believer in Glucosamine for joint care in general.



I suffer from gout/arthritis. The doctor specifically told me to stop taking glucosamine.


I do wish they'd all make their minds up.


I've stopped the glucosamine with little/no positive effect apart from on my wallet.

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