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Rapid Basher Big Red, Two Rounds & A Gralloch!

Elk hunter

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I had the pleasure of Pete (Rapid Basher) and his son on my Beginners Day. Now for anyone lucky enough to have had the company of this Gentlman (using this turm lightly) you will know he is a very genuin guy but a little rough around the edges.

We got off to a flying start considering he had never used a 308 and to be fair when he was not talking he was listening. This paid off on bullet placement on the range, as he was shot on shot at 100 yards and at 200 yards was doing 2/3 inch groups. So no flies on him!

After a time watching the deer I selected a good bodied animal. Pete settled into taking the shot and forgot the safety was on, easy mistake. But then we had to wait, again the stag presented itself and Pete squeezed one off at around 180 yards. The beast stumbled and although it was a good strick told Pete to take a follow up shot square on the shoulder, animal dropped.

On the gralloch, it did not go all to plan, but that what he there for hands on time. It's a good job the roll ups masked his pungent smell of rutting stags, even his son would sit next to on the ride back.

On closer inspection back at the larder while skinning, the first strick clipped one rib behind the heart sending the bullet back catching the back of the lungs and bottom of the liver. It was no its way out but second shot finished the job and to be fair it was just bad luck on the fist shot. But Pete's follow up shot was very quick with no hesitation. Although this was not the first deer Pete had taken and I'm hearing this a lot, it was the first deer he's been aloud to gralloch.

Had a great day with Pete and he went home with a nice rack.(he asked me to put up this post as he need to get to the pud and probably would not be capable later. )





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Will be a day that Rapid Basher will never forget :shoot:

Well done, Andrew, another lifetime memory you've created for a happy shooter.


I would certainly love to have the opportunity to take a beautiful beast like the one shown here.


Have you any spaces this side of Christmas available?

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  On 08/11/2013 at 23:02, TOM'S DAD said:

Will be a day that Rapid Basher will never forget :shoot:

Well done, Andrew, another lifetime memory you've created for a happy shooter.


I would certainly love to have the opportunity to take a beautiful beast like the one shown here.


Have you any spaces this side of Christmas available?

I do have some animals left.



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