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Fitting new spring


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Hi all.

Can some one tell me how to fit a new spring in a H W 99S,I have the stock off and the trigger out. I can see that the piece of tube inside at the end has to twist at some stage.But does the spring have to be compressed somehow to take off the preasure,i have now left it at this stage until i can get some info.


Please HELP.

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the spring needs to be compressed with a spring compression tool, the spring is already compressed to a point when it is fitted to the rifle if you try to remove it you are likely to hurt yourself and damage the rifle i would strongly suggest that you take it to a gun smiths who knows what he is doing - and he can also chrono the gun when fitted to ensure that the gun is still below the 12ftlb limit

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very true, those springs are not easy replacing unless you have the right tools for the right job fitting springs by yourself can be very dangerous and may damage rifle if not removed correctly best as above from clone to take to your local gunsmith and have job done properly.

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Ah yes!


Now i remember the joys of owning a Black and Decker work mate :good:


I have seen a fair few people getting hurt in the past trying the change a spring (funny now) but not at the time.


Some were pressing down on the back of the action to compress the spring when the barrel broke open and they colapsed like a sack of potato's :good:


Others (imparticular a Airsporter) was being unscrewed when the trigger unit (back of the rifle) jumped free and clattered his chin :blink:


IF done in a SAFE manner then it's fine but like in military tactics going in without the right INTEL can have dire consequence.


If in doubt consult a Smithy though i used to prefer AND enjoy doing all my own work.



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Hi to all.

As no info came in i took another look, and low and behold, saw what the problem was with the next stage.

No big deal no hastlle and no special gunsmithing tools and the job is done.It is nice to do your own repaires

and i allways have with my vans and cars over the years,and saved a packet (witch i like ).

Anyway just thought that i would let you know (he who dares does).



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It's not a we won't tell you thing but there are a few reasons most keep shtum about the likes of changing springs.


Firstly i think the major part of NEW posters specifically want the spring changed for a power boost and CAN lead the the gun being over the top. This can not only get the USER into a pickle but can also lead to bad press for the forums.


Second is a Safety concern just incase you were a novice and were likely to injure yourself.


Either way were not all devoid of knowledge we are simply a little careful who we divulge it too and there is no harm meant :yes:


I am glad to hear you managed to get it sorted in the end and even more so under your own steam



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