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I found this info on www.4-10.co.uk that may be of interest -


"15 Aug 2005


I just came across your site whilst looking for info on the Winchester 9410 I have just bought.

I wondered if you are aware of any cartridge preference for this gun that it will cycle cleanly ?


I used it for the first time today with some RIO 410 (11g/#6 shot) cartridges & whilst it worked fine when it reloaded, I had a lot of jams & failed lifts. On checking this when I got home, it seems that the lift gate is to tight for these shells. The rolled nose area is releaved, as is the rim area where it is channeled to. But the centre area is to tight & it takes excessive force to

lift the shell through this tight spot to the reloading position !


Thus the only conclusion I can draw, is that these shells are too wide for the action ! This is reinforced by the number of hard extractions I got as well.


Any recommendations as to sheels this gun cycles well would be much appreciated.


Many Thanks


Chris W.

30 Aug 2005


The 9410 was solved as follows;-

The basic problem was that the shells according to the image & data on your site should have an external diameter of 11.3mm, where as the RIO cartridges I was using have an OD of 11.8mm.

The 9410, has two shell holder cheek plates internally that are screwed to the outer frame from the out side, these had an internal gap of 11.5mm & the RIO's were being squeezed on the lift & left in an oval shape ! I removed these cheek plates & took some material off the back side where it abutts the frame, thus hiding the mod & making it reversable if it hadn't worked. I took approx .25mm off each cheek plate & that improved the feed lifting no end, but it was still tight due to a feed bump on the right cheek piece. I took another .1mm off each piece & this improved the

situation even more. I didn't want to take more off, as I was only experimenting with one shell type & others could be slimmer, but I really needed to lose more metal to get a slick feed.


I had correspondence with Matthew Birch after finding his site & he informed me that Winchester had added a large magnet to the back of the lift plate that holds the steel shotshell heads in place on the lift plate when they leave the magazine tube. This gave me the option of removing

more metal from the cheek pieces. I decided that the feed bump was not really required because the shell has already started to enter the chamber before the lift ramp gets lowered as the action closes, so I got vicious with a file & removed the feed bump all together. The action works a treat now & I've tried a few shells & they all feed flawlessly.


Now on to the extraction issue. Having fixed the feed issue, I ran in to an extraction issue where the fired shell would half extract before seperating from the extractor claw & bolt face, but not all the time. I looked at the RIO shells & at some Fiochi & Eley ones which did not seem to suffer

the same problem. The conclusion I have drawn is very simple. If you look closely at the rim head on the shells you use, you will see that some (Eley) have a very well defined rim on the side nearest the plastic, but others (Fiochi) have a less well defined rim & the RIO's have a very

poorly defined rim. This is an average conclusion, some Eley are not great, but not as bad as the Fiochi or RIO's.


By defined I mean look side ways on to the shell so that with the rim at the top, the case forms the vertical of a T with the top of the T being the rim. Now look closely at the lower part of the rim & on ones that fail to extract, you will find that instead of the 90 degree angle between the

brass/steel body & the rim, its more like 45 degrees or some angle in between. Thus the extractor claw has no firm purchase & when you try to extract the case, it pulls so far out until the sloppy head rim angle causes the extractor, claw to lose its grip & the extraction fails. Some cartridges

also have been formed off center, so the rim is fine for most of its circumference, but some parts have practically no rim for the claw to grip !


These rims work fine in O/U or single barrels that have large circumference extractors, but not very well on any type of bolt action that has a small extractor originally designed to pull exactly machined brass cartridge heads, not cheap steel pressed shotshell heads ! I think you will find that your Mossberg is suffering from the same problem. The longer the shell case the more likely the claws grip is to fail due to the leverage angles & the rounded edge to shotshell rims, verses the nice square edges of machined brass cartridges which keep them in the head recess

on the bolt until they hit the ejector !


Check it out & let me know what you think.I'm going to stick with Eley & look at reloading brass cartridges. The .444 Marlin looks like the right thing for my 2.5" requirements. Please feel free to use this info on your site.




Chris W."

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I was looking at the Wichester 9410 three round shotgun and I like the looks of it a lot, I think it might be a good gun for rough shooting.


Does anyone have or have an opinion on the Winchester 9410 ?


Winchester 9410 pic here Winchester


I had a close look at one before xmas, although I didn't fire it. It looked great fun but you can only use 2.5" shells and I was told its difficult to cycle quickly.


Have a think for a good reason to have the 10 shot version.


They do look uber cool don't they?

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