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Should the RSPCA know what guns you own? Or if you have any conviction


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The RSPCA is a cooperation that think they own the world, I've just typed RSPCA and as soon as you hit rsp RSPCA jumps out in bold letters they want to be into everyone and everything !!! Who the hell are they apart from vultures praying on the pensioners inheritance to blow on court cases that don't exist they put healthy animals down instead of using there barristers money to save domestic pets, why the hell should they know anything about anybody ,,, I would have rather told bin-laden where my cabinet keys are, rant over been a long night gunna bed ...

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All they need to know is that I don't want my personal details being shared with any third parties.


You don't get a say I'm afraid.


I saw this on the BASC site and wrote to both the PCC and the Chief Constable of Cumbria Police asking for clarification. They confirmed that they had signed an information sharing 'Memorandum of Understanding' with the RSPCA to share info in the interests of crime prevention and investigation.


Other police forces - but by no means all - have done the same


We can beat our gums as much as we want to each other on here. It would be more use if we got off our **** and wrote to our MPs - but we will not, will we?

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Malik, after speaking to very unhelpfull and uncaring RSPCA, I was in the process of phoning the police when the local pretendy gypsy turned up.He got a mouthful and i kept asking him if he has insurance to get the vet out.He just took the horse away.Ihavent seen it again.The problem is I was totally shocked by the actions of the RSPCA plus what drew my attension in the 1st place was 2 young girls with their grandfather trying to get it off the fence.The 2 girls where intears and neither of them had a mobile.The old bloke couldnt beleive it when I told him what the RSPCA said.

I can wait till am out shopping andone of there collectors rattles a charity tinin my faceIam not going to be rude but just tell them what happened and wait for an explination.

There's no point mate, there charity collectors and door knockers are all agency/contractors who 3 years ago were getting paid £250 p/w plus £10 for every person they get to sign up to an £8 p/m direct debit!!


I had one turn up at my house so got him in to justify the state the dogs are kept in at a local RSPCA approved rescue kennel where I got my two from. I was out of work at the time and he said I should get a job with them, he took great joy explaining how the RSPCA give his firm a huge pot of money each month to send out these canvassers and it was easy money as old people are suckers for it.

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They have no valid reason to have access to such information..... :mad:


Can I have the names and addresses of all RSPCA employees and other tree huggers organisations please???? I THINK NOT!!! not to cause trouble as I am a law abiding citizen, but half of these tree huggers are ****** thugs and dole dossers who could use this info for naughty mischief,







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