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CZ452 .22rf - Running in


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through your gun I would suggest winchester or eley subs, these are a all round round and work on just about everything out to a certain range when placed properly, might even take fox if close enough and the shot placement is good :look:

I at the minute am trying some remington yellow jackets through my gun which are hyper velocitys

do not be fooled by there loud sound, and take shots over 75yds-80yds

just my opinion

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in my opinion there is no such thing as running in a rimfire


ive cleaned mine 1x in about 2.5yrs and it shot great out of the box. I only cleaned it as i spilt a load of silencer crud down the barrel. It was unsettled for about 15 shots after cleaning and then started to pull the groups back in.

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Hiya, not got it yet, hopefully if i sweet talk the boss enough, very soon :look: - just starting to cross the T's and dot the I's etc.


The scope and mounts arrived yesterday (Nikko Sterling Platinum Nighteater 4-16x50 with Sportsmatch two piece high mounts).


I will zero to 50 yards initially until i get a better feel of the rifle and its capabilities (predominately used Airguns so will play on targets till i sus out the difference in tragectories in regards to hunting. Not worried about my ability as i shoot in the services to corp level-not been big headed or anal in any way so nobody take offence)


I just feel personally its better to know the weapon/ammo before i start bringing my shoots rabbit population down a little. :yp:


Really looking forward to it though, im also gonna get a CZ american 16" with a Sako Mod and as suggested will be stocking up on the eleys and Winchester but limited to 500rds so will try 250 of each and go from there.


Cheers for the replies peeps any advice regarding tragectories/ranges etc will be welcome, i know on some airgun links ive seen tragectory patterns plotted ie zeroed to 50 and the arc shows the round crossing at say 25 is there any similar ammo links or tests that youve seen and can point me towards?


Ive rattled on enough cheers again - good site, very informative with a welcome lack of the usual Ar*es you get on a lot of the Airgun forums.

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