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Recommend a Decoying setup...


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Hi guys my question is this, the game season is getting towards the end, and I'd like to get into pigeon shooting a bit more, I've dabbled in it over the years, but what would you recommend I buy as a good decoying setup? what decoys are best and how many? bouncers pigeon magnet ect, any help would be great thanks!

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My shopping list would be -


1, stealth net

2, flapper

3, poles

4, 10/15 full body deeks & wobblers

5, pack of ringers decoy socks (a little biased)

6, large hold all

7, x1 floater (hawk eye on here sells them)


For all the other stuff A1 decoys is on here and I'm sure he could do a job lot for ya mate. They seem to be cheaper than most others bud.


May have to spend a few quid if your just getting your gear but the above I'd say is a pretty sound set up.


Good luck

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To start, 15-20 shells will do you (add some full bodied later)

A good whirly rotor with a couple of foam or silo socks decoys on it. (Preferably speed control, and either a large 20 ah battery or two 7.5 ah)

A floater (or 2-3) is good always.

6-8 hide poles (4 is absolute minimum, but won't hold in strong wind)

4-5 metre stealth net (I use a 4 and a 5 metre, the 4 goes against any hedge, and the 5 wraps around)

A good rotating seat (preferably with cartridge bag fitted)


All this can be got from A1 Decoys (excellent customer service, and fast delivery) and if you speak to them, they might even do you a special price on a package deal :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Find a good field of pigeons and invite me. you will have all the gear on the day you will need. Seriously invite a well experienced pigeon shooter in your area see what he uses. Then go out and buy what you want. I like dead birds on cradles and dead pigeons on a whirler. Nothing else looks more like a real pigeon than a real pigeon. woodfordpigeon

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As Woodforpigeon you need to go out with someone, it's like fishing tackle there are more bits to catch anglers than fish. With fieldcraft you should see the right position to be in and drop a few birds , these will be your decoys for the day. If birds change the flightline while your shooting you need a some more visibility I.e. angels coming from different directions joining your decoys . Over the years I have made various bits of kit out of coat hangers I.e. cradles , angels. I would say in my opinion you need a magnet and put real birds on it as a starter and then ,keep some real birds in the freezer as decoys for the future outings.

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As Woodforpigeon you need to go out with someone, it's like fishing tackle there are more bits to catch anglers than fish. With fieldcraft you should see the right position to be in and drop a few birds , these will be your decoys for the day. If birds change the flightline while your shooting you need a some more visibility I.e. angels coming from different directions joining your decoys . Over the years I have made various bits of kit out of coat hangers I.e. cradles , angels. I would say in my opinion you need a magnet and put real birds on it as a starter and then ,keep some real birds in the freezer as decoys for the future outings.

Cheers bud I see that we drink from the same trough .Always 20 pigeon and 20 crows in the freezer .I have well over 100 plastic decoys but very rarely take them out. All these new fangled flappers floaters ETC. What I say is if can't throw it in my truck and stand on it won.t be any good to me. Good old fashioned field craft will fill the bag. I remember when the FUDs first came out .They were supposed to be the best since sliced bread. They decoyed more shooters the woodpigeons. I always say ( nothing looks more like a woodpigeon than a woodpigeon) .woodfordpigeon

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I started with six full bodied decoys, a camo net, hide poles and a lot of patience and willing to learn. There is a lot of kit out there but sometime you just need the basics and develop as you gain experience. Going out with somone who has been at the sport for a while is worth the time and effort as you will learn a lot. Also knowing how to shoot and a gun that fits is also essential. You can have all the kit but if the gun does not fit and you can not shoot then you will have a frustrating time.....


Add you location to your profile and you may get an invite from a local shooter.

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