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Bowman manual trap model & value?


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I will try and upload a picture tomorrow but could anyone tell the model and value of my trap?


It's a Bowman manual one, it will take 2 clays (double decker arm). The spring tension and elevation are all done on cranked winding handles. To re-cock it there is a longish lever which points down, which you pull up and towards yourself, this brings the arm round on a ratchet. And to fire there a small lever which you push forwards.


It's obviously not a current model and I have seen and used a couple the same as it.



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What you are describing sounds like one I have . I actually contacted Bowman when I got my one off ebay. My one has to be bolted down to something very solid as it takes a great deal of effort to cock it, it is adjustable for elevation too. These traps were really quite expensive when new, in excess of £300 ! The trap was designed for use in skeet shooting required manual cocking but could have a solenoid release mechanism. This is only true of course if you have what I think you have described :) I have a manual for it some where which I got from Bowman who were very helpful.

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Yes it is the same as my one ! Its for skeet and was actually quite an expensive manual trap, its way way better than all those crappy ones fitted to sledges and the like a good bit of solid engineering. I have as full manual for it somewhere but if you contact Bowman they are very helpful. The handle should be a steel tube.

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