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Getting a springer into cover


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Some more experienced or better nosed dogs wont unless there is something in it to get at. if the dog is neither of these things then it just need to learn that's were good stuff hides away, not a hard thing to condition it into. Seen dried chopped liver used, pre-hidden tennis balls whatever floats its boat. Don't force it in if its a good dog with the nose and intellect to know there is no point

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If you or a mate has an experienced dog that works cover then take the other dog out with it, that is how I have taught my pups to hunt cover. For a lot of dogs I think hunting cover comes naturally.


If the dog is hunting scents then it is probably smarter than all of us and it knows that there is nothing in the cover.

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Yup, Kent and Ollie are on the money - if there's nothing in the cover and the dog knows, you can't force it in there. I tried stashing some dead game in light cover to encourage my cocker, but it only took a couple of outings finding live game to make the penny drop. There's no stopping her now :yes: .

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How old is the dog?


My cocker isn't daft when it comes to cover, she'll have a look see and smell, it she can't detect anything she'll move on. If she can't she'll bulldoze it down! Her brother on the other hand just charges in and smashes the cover about!


I pushed mine early and put her off heavy cover for a bit, so relax it'll come good, they have good old noses!

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You know this is also part of the separation that's occurring in trial and working dogs. Hunting dogs that will work to clean pattern regardless of scent and retrievers that rely on handling over air scent, both mean nose can potentially be lessened in offspring. NOTE potentially

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