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Can I instruct cadets to shoot legally?


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It would appear you have just turned up for an argument?


Seems you don't know a lot about the military. There are LOADS of non military personel working on military sites. Just because you work on a military site and/or indeed train military personnel it does not mean your can throw out the civilian rule book! Looks likely it will be .22lr so I guess 300 yards is a little unlikely, generally they will train/practice at 25-50 yards and who said the training would even be on a military site?


Which part of the fact the instructor isn't military and therefore has no military exclusion do you find difficult to understand?


Read my post!


If you want a debate PM me.

You credit me with too much interest in you that I'd engage you in an argument. I don't know much about the military? You make me larf. I've done my time matey. I suggest you spend a bit of time with your best friend and research what you're pontificating about. GOOGLE.

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So in conclusion......


The OP is not a qualified military instructor and therefore cannot instruct the cadets in a military setting - ok, that is understandable and reasonable.


If the cadets are to be in a position for the OP to offer his services, it will be to them as civilians and not as cadets.


So the question then becomes:


How can the OP give a group of young people some experience in the use of firearms?

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So in conclusion......


The OP is not a qualified military instructor and therefore cannot instruct the cadets in a military setting - ok, that is understandable and reasonable.


If the cadets are to be in a position for the OP to offer his services, it will be to them as civilians and not as cadets.


So the question then becomes:


How can the OP give a group of young people some experience in the use of firearms?

Simples. As I said earlier. Probationery membership of a HO approved gun club. He can instruct them using club firearms.

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I know the rules from 4 years ago when I helped the cadets do this as the need military saftey staff to shoot clays, 22lr and air rifles. I also told the OP who could confirm the rules had not changed.


This time I think it is you that has misunderstood.


The fact is we don't know, so perhaps there is room for debate! :good:


....was in relation to on a military site or If the OP wants to teach them outside Military time he just has to follow civilian regulations.

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The crossover between what is and isn't allowed as far as civilians shooting/coaching on military ranges is a minefield. About 10 years ago someone decided it would be a good idea to have a range weekend at Warcop for parents, brothers, sisters etc to shoot on the ranges (cadet GP rifle, No 8 rifle, SA80 and LSW) Some of the parents were shooters and asked if they could bring their own rifles along for the weekend. This turned into the mother of all paperwork exercises! Different calibres, different rifles etc. The weekend did go ahead eventually but no civilian weapons were allowed and it took 18 months to finally get approval. To be perfectly honest it was a good weekend but not really worth the hassle and aggro that was involved. Every non cadet shooter had to have one to one supervision on the firing points, they were not allowed to fill their own magazines, clear stoppages and so forth. So where as you would usually require 2 or 3 adult instructors to run a 12 lane range, we ended up with about 20.

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