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My name is Marcus.


I am here to learn more about hunting techniques.


We have issues with feral cats and I am interested in joining the fight.


They kill a lot of native animals, and people's pets (such as animals in hutches and avaries).


My interests include ecology, sports, films and gaming.


A pleasure to meet you all!

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Welcome to Pigeon Watch. :good:


I have heard that there is a problem with feral cats in Australia, but its not something that we are very much involved with in the UK.

There are licensed pest control companies that will set live cage traps for them, but all animals have to be inspected for collars, or other signs of ownership, before they can be humanely destroyed.

This is a method my company had to employ at various factory locations because of the problem.


Shooting is difficult, as it can be very hard to identify a cat as being "feral", when its 30 yards away.

If they are found far away from human habitation and obviously threatening game, poultry, or livestock, then perhaps the situation requires more drastic control methods.

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