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Eye Dominance


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I would imagine that this subject results in as many, if not more, posts than any other. I suffer as my eyes change at will and this is independent of any incorrect comb height. Finally sorted it when I was forced to wear spec's by using a patch. Trouble is, this is a fiddle to get right initially and means the cost of a second pair of glasses.


Just been to get a few bits from the Gun and Sports shop in Exeter and was shown a new bit of kit. It's called 'Redeye Eye Dominance Correction. If shooting from the correct (if you're like me, there isn't one) shoulder is not on and you don't want to spoil the look of a gun by some of the sighting aids, this may be worth a look. It's not cheap - but well cheaper than another pair of glasses - but is quality made. It consists of a two part magnetised 'patch' and various sizes are included in a small wallet. One piece fits either side of the lens and you simply move them about with a finger until they're in the right place for whatever you're shooting. Apparently the magnetic force is sufficient to withstand recoil. I'm sorted now, having got the second pair of glasses but if anyone is similarly impaired, these may just be worth a look. Recommended retail is c£25.

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