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Well l'm stuck on station working nights, bored!


Was wondering, as you do at 04.30am ...


If you purchase a shotgun that is steel proofed and is a multi choke shotgun! ... are the chokes supplied with the steel proofed shotgun "fleur-de-lys stamped" still restricted to the recommendations ... e.g use of HP steel, no more than half choke ... or are these supplied chokes manufactured to withstand the expected use of HP cartridges of any size.


Seems a bit of a kop out if there are restrictions ... my thought is, its either capable "completely or it's not" .. its one or the other, not a halfway house ..

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My steel proofed Winchester states in the handbook no more than Modified for steel. You really can over choke steel to such a point that the shot will achieve its most effective pattern beyond the killing power of the shot from my direct experience (rather than theory) anything more than an after market modified is a bit much for all but the fastest hand loads with large shot. Gamebore no3 36grm energy is exceeded by the pattern with my kicks modified based on real duck hit

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Guest cookoff013

I must admit I am a little confused by this as the tighter choke is known to create more back pressure in the barrel, yet no reference seems to made towards this. Steel proof is not about steel barrel /choke contact as no barrel or choke yet made can resist this


there is no reference to this because it doesnt actually exist. the "back pressure" you are talking about was someones guess.

the cip recomend no choke tighter than 1/2 with shotsize bigger than 4mm.

the british guntrade recomend no choke tighter than 1/4


the steel proof of chokes is the manufacturers sticking to the cip guidelines.


most aftermarket chokes are rated for certain shotsizes and patterns.


the best i can suggest is to shoot cyl,skeet, 1/4, 1/2, on paper and choose the best pattern.

steel chokes do werar out after a while, ie they go out of spec. just because you`re shooting 1500fps steel loads etc... its going to happen.


i certainly would sudggest using more open chokes with bigger shotsizes.


i find it slightly amusing that some guys only use 1/4 for all there lead shooting, yet go instantly to the maximum choking for steel shot. just because if the 1/2max ruling.

its slightly backwards. not wrong, but slightly odd.

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