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Advice wanted!

Butchers Dog

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i have just got mi self a daystate H .22, but am struggling in the desicion of what pellet would give the best performance and accuracy for this rifle.


I would be using it to shoot rabbits, pigeons, and rats mainly with alsorts of other vermin thrown in at that like tree rats :lol: etc...


i have been looking at theses pellets:-


RWS Super Hollow Point 14.5g £4.99--500(1 tin)

£43.95--5000(10 tins)



BISLEY Pest Control 18.2g £3.19--200(1 Tin)

£28.95--2000(10 Tins)



BISLEY Super Field 15.1 £2.99--200(1 Tin)

£26.95--2000(10 Tins)


I am looking for a pellet with a bit of hitting power but am open to more suggestions.

I like domed headed pellets but they just dont seem to be too accurate for me. And the pointed pellets.... well i shot a rat a few weeks back and the pointed pellet went straight through its eye and out the other side, the rat just ran off like nothing had happened but we found it later.





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It's no good choosing pellets from a list. The quarry won't give a stuff what you hit them with so long as you hit them in the correct spot. To find what pellets work well with your gun you need to try many different kinds. Even two barrels from the same maker will like different pellets. Get a pellpax and see which give the tightest groups then stick to them



As a general rule pointed are awful and domeheads give best results. Hollowpoint shed energy fast downrange and are really only any use at very close range where overpenetration is an issue. Even then in .22 I'd stick to domes.

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Bisley Pest Control, and hollow point are only suitable for short ranges as they are not very accurate.


Pointed pellets are hopeless in any weapon. In fact I don't know why anyone should ever want to buy them.


Best to try a few different types. The better made they are, the more accurate they will be as they will be more evenly balanced.


You could start by trying accupell or similar.

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ANY .22 pellet from a 12 ft/lb gun will drop any legit airgun quarry well beyond the range of the best shooter. A ballistically decent pellet will still be doing 8 or more ft/lb well beyond 50 yds - more than enough to kill a rabbit if hit in the brain. Conversely 20 ft/lb in the rabbits backside will not do the job. AA fields are amongst the best ballistically as are accupells. Bisley Magnums are also decent ballistically, though a tad heavy for 12 ft/lb in my oppinion unless the range is kept short. What matters most is that they suit your barrel and give consistant results.

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As 1 of 5 says pellpacks are your best bet,the thing is you need to mak sure you are shooting consistantly before testing really,as you dont get very many of each pellet and if your not careful you will end up shooting half the pack before you get your eye in making the first tests useless,so if you havent allready,get a tin of somthing half decent to get used to the rifle with then do the tests :lol:

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i used to use them prems in my fenman and they are exactly the same as the accupells but just droped 2 mm at 35 yrds. how accurate is that lol.

i think i am going to try the accupells and the aa field domed as ive used them before and they have performed well.



thanks ppl for the advice and help etc...



regards and a happy new year




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