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police visit


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My visit last year, 12mths after cert received, was rather amusing and a little worrying. FEO asked lots of silly stuff about safety eg do the shoots I'm involved in give safety talks? When I replied yes and no he got quite excited and wanted to know:


- why 'yes' - this was because we regularly had guests and there were club rules stacked towards safety

- why 'no' - this was be cause it was a bunch of guns who have shot together for many years and so far no one has died


He just couldn't understand why we didn't have a half hour talk on safety everytime. Even when I pointed out that he, as an ex-armed copper, when he took a gun out this was with a view to shooting someone but when I got my gun out I did it with the express intention of doing the opposite.


The next rather strange comment was 'when did I get my first gun?' - 51 years ago! 'Who bought it?' - my dad. 'Did he give me a talk on safety?' no he gave me a gun and told me to go kill a few starlings in the stack yard! By now SWMBO was audibly chuckling in the background.


I tried another tack - as a motorist of 40+ years standing with an impeccable record I was granted a licence with no renewal or intervention for some 50 years which, even if I kill a couple of people (by accident), will not involve any sort of renewal let alone safety talk. Over 2000 people are killed on our roads with many thousand other injured whereas the number of shooting incidents by legally licences 'guns' can probably be counted on the fingers of one had so why am I getting this lecture........ No response.



I was asked a few questions that seemed to defy reality


"are you a member of the clay shoots you attend or do you only go when you get invited?" to which i replied "Er i just turn up pay and shoot when i can/fancy it"


"how would you describe your drinking habits ?" ......


"do you own any airguns? where are they kept?" What this has to do with an SGC i am flumoxed ???


" do you ever go rough or vermin shooting" Which i don't see how that has any bearing really

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Reading some of the posts it seems there are a few common threads emerging. I was asked about where I stored my air rifle and I said " I dont" we dont get young visitors now my kids are adults and I like it where I can shoot the rabbits in the garden - its therefore by the bed. Told him the law as I knew it and he didnt comment further. Checking gun serial numbers is normal around here as 'unknown' guns turn up where poachers leave them in hedgerows and I think rural county police believe there are a number of unregistered weapons left over from pre SGC days.

I suspect there is a default list of questions/things to check for FEO's for specific circumstances, like renewal, grant etc If so, this would be designed to implement policy as well as character checks. I suspect regulation of air rifles isnt far away and hope the shooting organisations have an eye on the possibility. I also get the impression that with changes to the FAC there will come subtle changes to guidance HO and Police FEO's alike.

I think drinking will become more of a factor and the apres shoot pint will be regularly checked by police as new policy. Does anyone else get the impression that the police are looking for a 'sea change' ?

I hope we are not all surprised when it comes.

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