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little bit excited


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Ahhhh....anticipation.... Hope you have a great time when you get it. New toys!!!!!!


I've been waiting on a Remington .22 for WEEKS and apparently it is in courier at the moment. Hope it shoots well as I'll be miserable if it doesn't!

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I waited for over 6 weeks for my LH B525 from the Sportsman GC-was fobbed off with "Browning only have one and it takes time to come thru customs"-then I was told that it turned out NOT to be a LH and I would have to wait till another batch was made!! Rang Avalon guns and they had one delivered in 5 days :yes:

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This shop said 2 days and it came in 3 all the other shops still haven't bothered to call me back so. Im happy and they messed the price up a bit and honored it so mega fair play to them. They did well as I brought 1000 carts when I was there to at a fairly good price

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I'm picking up the new 525 sporter tomorrow from Simpsons of Newmarket ordered a 28 inch sporter fancied a change after spending hours picking up empties from the auto and third shot frustration lol

Yeah saw they had it at a good price to

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