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Hi all.



Started latest knife. After finishing last handle in tru oil I wanted to go for a different finish.


Ive picked up some boiled linseed oil.


Never used it before. Any tips for me? What sort of finish do people get? Any pics?



Many thanks for any input.






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Hi bazza my internet is very slow at the moment. Go on youtube and look for knife making or making "scales" as they are known as. I have just invested in a bench grinder with two polishing wheels, now these can give an amazing finish to the steel and the wooden handle you will see loads of stuff on there..keep up the good work, you might go onto stick making, thats what i did now that is a very interesting hobby to loads to learn also look at old files that have been ground down to make knives.theres a lad on Bbs making one i have sent him some bog oak. Keep at it.

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Thank you mate ill have a good old nose. Always prefer opinions etc from forum members I have to say.


I need to get sorted with these knives first mate. But can see your point. He will be blown away by it like I was.


Can I ask where you get stuff like that from? I can only find wood on outdoor type stores and they charge a faor old premium.



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