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Will an over size neck fit in a chamber ???

Well if I feel any serious resistance chambering a round it comes back out I don't force anything in my rifle.


Ok here's the math as Kent seems obsessed. My neck size in my chamber is 0.2545 slightly larger than it should be but it's a good 10 years old so hay ho.

The thickest piece of formed brass I have to hand is 0.2485 loaded

So 0.2485 - 0.224 = 0.0245 / 2 = 0.01225 the nk thickness.

0.2545 - 0.2485 = 0.006 clearance

Down to 0.002 clearance is desirable. (But as I don't have a chamber cast or the original reamer size we will stick higher than this.)

My desired neck thickness is 0.0125

Which works out as 0.249 which still gives me 0.0055 clearance.

Now have a guess what brand new lapua brass thickness is ?

Yep on or very close to 0.012

The re formed federal is 0.01225



It's not a new theory that cheep brass reformed can gain a higher standard.


But from this data we can gain the neck sizing aims.

So for lapua it's (0.012 x 2) + .224 - 0.002 = 0.246

0.002 being the tension wanted.

Fired brass = 0.2535. pre seat = 0.246 that's a 0.0075 sizing difference. The spritly should of noticed that the fired brass is slightly smaller than the chamber it's - 0.001 for spring back.

Obviously thicknes will change batch to batch so it always good to check.


Now where is the danger exactly ?


Sorry if I miss typed any numbers my eyes have now gone funny lmao.

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Will an over size neck fit in a chamber ???


Yes, though they need room to expand after the firing. A case expands hits the chamber walls and the bullet is released then the case contracts on cooling allowing extraction. The stiff bolt lift shows it expended too hard against the walls and the cooling did not allow a smooth release. Now think on if a loaded shell just fits it don't mean the case can expand enough (we are taking neck wall thickness here not outside diameter after loading) factory guns are cut generously but still it can occur and it might only be one case in a big batch, custom guns for a specific turned neck are obviously far greater danger

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Well if I feel any serious resistance chambering a round it comes back out I don't force anything in my rifle.


Ok here's the math as Kent seems obsessed. My neck size in my chamber is 0.2545 slightly larger than it should be but it's a good 10 years old so hay ho.

The thickest piece of formed brass I have to hand is 0.2485 loaded

So 0.2485 - 0.224 = 0.0245 / 2 = 0.01225 the nk thickness.

0.2545 - 0.2485 = 0.006 clearance

Down to 0.002 clearance is desirable. (But as I don't have a chamber cast or the original reamer size we will stick higher than this.)

My desired neck thickness is 0.0125

Which works out as 0.249 which still gives me 0.0055 clearance.

Now have a guess what brand new lapua brass thickness is ?

Yep on or very close to 0.012

The re formed federal is 0.01225



It's not a new theory that cheep brass reformed can gain a higher standard.


But from this data we can gain the neck sizing aims.

So for lapua it's (0.012 x 2) + .224 - 0.002 = 0.246

0.002 being the tension wanted.

Fired brass = 0.2535. pre seat = 0.246 that's a 0.0075 sizing difference. The spritly should of noticed that the fired brass is slightly smaller than the chamber it's - 0.001 for spring back.

Obviously thicknes will change batch to batch so it always good to check.


Now where is the danger exactly ?


Sorry if I miss typed any numbers my eyes have now gone funny lmao.


Nothing if you checked after forming, nothing at all :good: My point is only one should always check each case when doing such things and that was not made clear so I did.

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why waste time and effort forming brass from one calibre to another when there are perfectly good brass manufacturers in .222?


most of the makers you quote in the first page have their brass made in the same factory!





personally if I was starting out I wouldn't recommend anyone to drop 70p a case on Lapua .222 brass

get the basics right first before you turn the man into yet another micrometer obsessed reloader.


You can pick up Norma .222 for pennies. in fact I have some I was about to stick in the classifieds.

And being a readily available factory ammo, once fired stuff is common


Now reloading for .222, .243, .270, .300WM I have moved onto Norma for all of them, over and above Lapua or any other.




Keep It Simple Stupid!

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Funny that because you want to look were Sako get their brass from, certainly a while back it was all Norma (not sure today as I am going back a good bit but I should be surprised if its changed and if so I might bet its gone Lapua)It is non the less good factory ammo and well worth saving the brass from. Of course its hard to say 100% proof positive because the manufacturers don't shout about it.


there you go look at the above :yes:

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there you go look at the above :yes:

Obviously they will have there own specifications on quality of the end product, all the makers cases I have changed have reacted differently to the process. Oddly enough Norma it's self wasn't the best :/

I still carnt find Norma brass for pennies can you point me in the direction of the give away ?

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Obviously they will have there own specifications on quality of the end product, all the makers cases I have changed have reacted differently to the process. Oddly enough Norma it's self wasn't the best :/

I still carnt find Norma brass for pennies can you point me in the direction of the give away ?



Only if they have a totally rubbish cost accountant

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