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productive morning with old socks.


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Holiday time is now here and I've finally had a morning to fully dedicate to some shooting. One of my permissions has a big corvid population at the moment, so that was my target. But I first needed some decoys, after a bit of a hunt about on PW, I found that some are using simple wooden silhouettes painted black. So I got cutting and painting some old chipboard. Also suggested was using pigeon decoys covered with tights, but the Mrs wasn't keen so my old socks it was!

Off the dog and I went early doors in the rain and set up on a favourite spot of theirs, soon after the first few dropped in for a look. After a good few shots and a couple dropped it went quiet. I had a bit of a look around and they had all buggerd off to the other side of the valley. So we followed, same again, and then another move. Not too sure how to keep them moving around and coming back??? Rope bangers??

Anyway I was a happy lad with A dozen crows / rooks (i know only 9 in pic) and a pigeon for a mornings work. In the Pic you can also check out a pigeon decoy wrapped in a sock with a bit of cotton wrapping to help make a vague beak shape.


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