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Hushpower 410 lead-free


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Has anyone with a Hushpower Baikal 410 tried any lead free cartridges? The Eley VIP EVO Bismuth look gun safe but are *VERY* expensive at £1.25 per shot! Also, they are not sub-sonic so will that make the Hushpower bit pointless? I need to use it for rats in a zone with animals so I need a quiet solution and lead free. We tried air rifles but it is all outside and the little devils don't stay still long enough for a good shot. The land owner doesn't want to use poison and the traps he tried only caught one in a month! Buying a Hushpower 410 is a last resort but I only want to do that if it will work.

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Confused as to what lead free you used in the airgun and why you need lead free anyhow? Its not pointless to use supersonic loads in and moderated gun it should still take the blast out of the noise. If the landowner is so keen is he not footing the bill?

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in your position id go for an airgun every time, even with your non toxic issue lead should be ok as your not putting loads into the enviroment.. hopefully just the rat .. but if he is not for moving on lead then theres non toxic pellets


if they wont keep still make a liquid bait up.. nutella and cooking oil or my favourite put cat food in a blender and add a little water to make a past.. either way they have to stay there to eat it.. i used to make a batch up then put it in small water bottle thne freeze them taking out what i needed for that day

Edited by kiffy
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Confused as to what lead free you used in the airgun and why you need lead free anyhow? Its not pointless to use supersonic loads in and moderated gun it should still take the blast out of the noise. If the landowner is so keen is he not footing the bill?

I used H&N Green (also very expensive!). The animals are free range chickens. He said one farm has lost its contract to supply eggs to a supermarket because of high lead content in their eggs and they put that down to shotgun pellets. He is paying but, at £5 to shoot 4 rats, that puts the cost way up.

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if they wont keep still make a liquid bait up.. nutella and cooking oil or my favourite put cat food in a blender and add a little water to make a past.. either way they have to stay there to eat it.. i used to make a batch up then put it in small water bottle thne freeze them taking out what i needed for that day

I like the idea of the liquid bait, that's got to help keep them still.

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i used to make a batch of bottles up and it was easier in a blender. i will say one thing even though cat food doesnt smell nice it smells a whole lot worse when its in a blender :lol:

Edited by kiffy
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i used to make a batch of bottles up and it was easier in a blender. i will say one thing even though cat food doesnt smell nice it smells a whole lot worse when its in a blender :lol:


Its not easier if the lady catches you at it in which case you will likely be forking out for another blender :yes:

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