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Hatsan barrel length query?


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OK, maybe a dumb*** question but........Does the advertised barrel length - 26, 28, 30" - include the bare metal tang that slots inside the action?


Or does it just refer to the external, blackened part of the barrel? .... In which case how long is the barrel piece in its entirety?


Am just trying to figure out if I can fit a 28" version in my breakdown cabinet.



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My breakdown cabinet is unbranded, and looks like it is made fom old Russian tanks. I don't really have space for full length one though.


The space diagonally through the door and back into the cabinet, that being the maxmum distance I have got to play with when inserting the barrel in order to "turn it through the angle" is about 30.5" Inside its around 32" long.


Hence I was trying to figure out how long a 28" barrel component really is, warts and all.

Edited by Longchalk
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