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CZ 22lr not ejecting live rounds


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I have just bought a S/H CZ 22lr and it won't eject live rounds made by CCI & Eley but will eject Winchester subs, I measured the heads and the Winchester are 0.002" smaller. I stripped and cleaned the extractor jaws they look OK but I suspect them.


Anybody had the same problem and know the solution and if its the ex-jaws where can I buy some and how much, many thanks.

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I have just bought a S/H CZ 22lr and it won't eject live rounds made by CCI & Eley but will eject Winchester subs, I measured the heads and the Winchester are 0.002" smaller. I stripped and cleaned the extractor jaws they look OK but I suspect them.


Anybody had the same problem and know the solution and if its the ex-jaws where can I buy some and how much, many thanks.


My Mate and I got the CZ's Style at the same time.

We both use Eley, I have no problem but my mates will not eject the last round live or used :good: , he has no problem with the other 4 shots. Work that one out :/



PELTMAN :good:

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I've had the same problem with my .22 CZ with Eley, CCI and Winchester. Go figure...... :good:


Edgar Bros said it might be a small burr in the chamber/rifling. I just put up with it and either modify my bolt closing, prior to leaving the field, or fire the last round into a safe backstop. According to rifle shooters in the U.S. the problem may even contribute to the rifle's accuracy by engaging with the rifling, so I'm leaving well alone. :/

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Pelt Man does your friend only use a 5 shot mag, I use a 10 shot in my 22.


We both dont like the exra lenght out the bottom of the Gun, more to knock and bash about.

Like the slim line look better and more robust out in the field imo.



I must correct what i said:

My mates gun don't eject the Last round live, so he has to discharge the Gun to get it to eject :/


PELTMAN :good:

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Many thanks for the information I was a bit worried as its possible to double load - wouldn't like one to go off in the breach!! I found if the safety will go on then its loaded , not easy to see in low light - easy to get mixed up hunting - found a simple system for all my guns. :welcomeani:


I removed one live round from the breach and found it was well milled and a good interferance fit - no burrs.


I only brought the gun last week its S/H one month old with moderator - I checked the serial numbers of new guns on guntrader and it was newer than most new stock! but with it not ejecting wondered if this was the reason for the early sale? :good:



I fitted my WTC 3.5X10 -50 and on accuracy its great clover leafing at 60 m, haven't tried it further. This gun has really woken up the squirrels compared to an airgun but I still need my airgun on parts of the estate and shooting up. :good:

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[ on accuracy its great clover leafing at 60 m, haven't tried it further. This gun has really woken up the squirrels compared to an airgun but I still need my airgun on parts of the estate and shooting up. :good:


Mine is zeroed at 70 yards and grouping to the size of a 5p


As for the Squirrels, your ment to be putting them to sleep :good::good:


PELTMAN :welcomeani:

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I have zeroed my gun to a little smaller than a 2p piece, not as good as a 5p piece but I am getting there :welcomeani: , I tend to chest shoot rabbits and for this the accracy is good :good:


That is prone with the gun on a rest and my scope up on 20mag :good:

and after many years with a airrifle, when i went on DSC1 course it came to the shooting test and the guy said he knew i would be a good shot as i'd used airrifles for many years. He went on to say it was because airrifle shooters hold on/follow through the shot longer as it takes that much longer for the pellet to leave the barrel.



PELTMAN :good:

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Yep using my old HW90K has helped alot the rimmy is easier to shoot accuratly. Its like going from a pushbike to my first motorbike 40 yrs ago, (but has its cautions). Its great hitting squirrels no more limping heros and trying to reload chasing them. I go one squirrel Monday came down a tree 10 m away held my Evolution(carried for tree shots) between my knees, shot it with the rimmy slightly under so swopped guns and put one through it head with the Evo. I had zeroed up for 50 m but hadn't set compenstion for 10m. :welcomeani:


Talking of 40 yrs ago I had a savage & stevens 410 5 shot on a PO licence now I would need to put it on ticket, so I just bought a Annie 410 -3" F/C, I rebuilt the gun and my brother is turning up the H/P silencer, my son is so frustrated with airguns ( he uses an L98 in cadets) he want to use it on Maggies and just leave their feet in the tree and "send them to a better place". :good:

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