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Hanging rabbits


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Shot a local game shoot years ago, and when we arrived in the morning, was greeted by 200+ rabbits the keepers and his friend had shot the previous evening. All still had guts in and looked like a row of fury footballs ready to burst! We were September partridge shooting and it was roasting!

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What's the 'split and flick' technique?


I have seen the 'squeeze and tease' done...

Split from sternum to groin then hold front legs in one hand, back legs in t'other and with the belly away from you, rapidly spin as if throwing the rabbit (but don't let go) and centrifugal force will take over and the guts will arc majestically through the air. Make sure you have the rabbit facing the direction of spin though.


I have done the squeeze thing on young rabbits to good effect but I find it harder on older ones (sounds like a Rooney chat-up line).

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Split from sternum to groin then hold front legs in one hand, back legs in t'other and with the belly away from you, rapidly spin as if throwing the rabbit (but don't let go) and centrifugal force will take over and the guts will arc majestically through the air. Make sure you have the rabbit facing the direction of spin though.


I have done the squeeze thing on young rabbits to good effect but I find it harder on older ones (sounds like a Rooney chat-up line).


Thanks...'arc majestically'...like it.. :)

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