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posting air rifles

darren m

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okay, this comes up a lot, I should prepare something useful and make it into a sticky appropriate one!

You can post LOW POWERED air weapons, but you can only use Royal mail Special Deliver or Parcel force express48. by low powered, they mean air rifles under 12 ft/lb and air pistols under 6ft/lbs - air weapons that do not require a license.


There are size limits on the RM Special Delivery, so you have to either keep it inside that, or use Express48. You cannot have it picked up, with either service you must take it to the post office.


It's all in the restricted goods section of their website. but it is entirely legal to send them by either service. They must not be charged if PCP and obviously shouldn't be loaded or anything daft like that!


You also need to put your address on the outside as well as the recipients. insurance is possible up to a £2000 limit i think. Check the RM website for the official size restrictions. I sent one the other week by parcel force, as it was just over the limit for the RM service and that was only a little Ultra SE. it cost about £30.


Hope that helps

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thanks chris - that is very helpful

so we are defo ok declaring what is inside , legal limit uk spec air rifle.


i,ve sent stuff before and they never used to ask , but now every time i take a package they ask what is it and whats the value.

the last thing i sent was a stock , and soon as i said rifle stock the woman on the counter went into a panic LOL.


i will look it up on the website.


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