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blooming dog walkers...

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Fighting fire with fire will only end up getting out of control eventually.

I suggest that because we refuse to fight fire with fire, we simply add more fuel to the fire those who oppose us keep starting in many different areas.

At what point does anyone declare - enough is enough ?

After all, the Law (whether civil or criminal) is still the Law.

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I was out on a shoot day as a beater and the gamekeeper asked me on one of the drives to stand at the back of the wood with his twelve bore and shoot any vermin that tried to escape well as I waited I heard a voice and a woman came bounding up to me with her dog saying "your under age you shouldn't be handling a gun" I'm 15 by the way she was talking complete rubbish ! I had to get someone over to make her leave me alone !

Edited by raphael262
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I was out on a shoot day as a beater and the gamekeeper asked me on one of the drives to stand at the back of the wood with his twelve bore and shoot any vermin that tried to escape well as I waited I heard a voice and a woman came bounding up to me with her dog saying "your under age you shouldn't be handling a gun" I'm 15 by the way she was talking complete rubbish ! I had to get someone over to make her leave me alone !


Fifteen years old and you're still up at 4am in the morning posting on a forum when you should be tucked up in bed and fast asleep. :rolleyes:

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I've just finished school a few weeks back so have been up late and when the keeper gets his pheasants in I shall be up every day at that time !


Fifteen years old and you're still up at 4am in the morning posting on a forum when you should be tucked up in bed and fast asleep. :rolleyes:

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One of our

partridge drives off the hill has a right of way through it used by a lot of hill walkers. We rarely get any trouble but one day when I had drawn peg 1 I asked a couple of walkers to wait by the gate until the drive was over.

The lady (and I use the description despite her behaviour) became abusive and shouted that what we were doing offended her. I replied politely that if she turned her back she would not have to watch and that there was a nice view across the loch.

She became even more abusive and to the obvious embarrassment of her male companion began screaming that we were all ********.

Once the drive was over they walked along the track and as they passed by the guns each in turn doffed their caps and wished them "Good day". By the end of the line she was apoplectic with rage and still screaming abuse.

If this had happened in any other public place she would have been arrested for breach of the peace.

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One of our

partridge drives off the hill has a right of way through it used by a lot of hill walkers. We rarely get any trouble but one day when I had drawn peg 1 I asked a couple of walkers to wait by the gate until the drive was over.

The lady (and I use the description despite her behaviour) became abusive and shouted that what we were doing offended her. I replied politely that if she turned her back she would not have to watch and that there was a nice view across the loch.

She became even more abusive and to the obvious embarrassment of her male companion began screaming that we were all ********.

Once the drive was over they walked along the track and as they passed by the guns each in turn doffed their caps and wished them "Good day". By the end of the line she was apoplectic with rage and still screaming abuse.

If this had happened in any other public place she would have been arrested for breach of the peace.

This is where a GoPro and YouTube come in handy.

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You need to communicate and act together, if he is also a shooter. I do this primarily for spotting when its a poacher, all it takes is a call or text or even a signal

We did go over and have a polite word he has now stopped. He wasn't a shooter just an interfering fool.

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