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Hatsan Optima Silver Synthetic O/U


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After many years use my Silver Synthetic has stopped firing, but works if pointed downwards!.


Took it apart and it looks to me that there is a spring missing from the trigger/safety mech block, no idea if there's supposed to be one as I can't find a parts diagram etc.


I've shown below where I think the spring would go, there's a 6mm hole in the back of the block marked with the red dot, I think the spring should be there to push it forward to engage with the safety system (marked with a blue dot.


First photo is how it should look when cocked, second is how it looks if cocked and held horizontal, hope you can see the block needs to be pushed forwards to engage the safety mech.





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Rang Edgar Brothers armourer, very helpful indeed, reckons there's something called a hammer block dog leg spring which is supposed to be there.


No idea where it is, there's no way for it to fall out of the gun and I carefully stripped it on the bench and didn't see anything come out of it.


Good news is they're putting me one in the post free of charge today so hopefully should have it tomorrow :)

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