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I'm really not sure if this is the right section but I have just shot me a pigeon and I tried to follow Pins video and I think Im doing something wrong. I eventually managed to get the breast but the wings were on aswell so i had to use a knife to get these off. in the vid no knife is used.


The only bit i really struggled with was when You put your thumb down behind the breast bone and the other in aswell and just pull. I couldn't pull it apart? Managed to do it after some faffing about but the video looked sooooo easy!!!


Anyway I'm chuffed with it (this is the 1st time I have prepared a pigeon incase you hadn't noticed) and I'm going to have it for my lunch now hehe


Cheers for the vid PIN, hope it will get easier now!!

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cheers mate, I will try that next time!


I have just actually eaten it! hehe. from the shot to the plate in about 2 hours. wrapped it in bacon and put honey and some sweey chilli sauce on it. 1st time ive tried pigeon (did try it last week in a pie but was no different to chicken pie) like this. was like a cross between steak and chicken! was delish! :D

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In the vid I have lost the wings using clippers, but you can just twist them off.


Once you have that done, and the crop ripped open (assuming you are right handed) right thumb down the back of the breast bone, left thumb in opposing (so your thumb nails are facing one another). Then some strength is required, but lever using your thumbs and pull.


Once you have it apart find the pointy bit of the breastbone and using your thumb peel that back so you separate the skin, feathers and all the insides from the perfect breast :D

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