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There is an oat field a mile or so away from my house and I am wondering since its being cut today should I give it a go tomorrow? I will be round to it later on tonight to see if theres anypigeons on it and will check it tomorrow beforehand but my question is do the pigeons go for the oats and has anyone had anybig bags off oats

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There is an oat field a mile or so away from my house and I am wondering since its being cut today should I give it a go tomorrow? I will be round to it later on tonight to see if theres anypigeons on it and will check it tomorrow beforehand but my question is do the pigeons go for the oats and has anyone had anybig bags off oats

Your wasting your time strangford. Go and find a barley field or wheat that has been cropped for feed. If you where up about county tyrone oats might be worth a look, but there is far too much other stuff in your area for them to take it seriously.

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Your wasting your time strangford. Go and find a barley field or wheat that has been cropped for feed. If you where up about county tyrone oats might be worth a look, but there is far too much other stuff in your area for them to take it seriously.

Aye I was up earlier on and it was pants no birds moving to it at all, apart from one or two birds on the wires


Think I give the rape a look in the morning and take it from there, oh yes forgot to say there was a pair of pheasants picking though the oat stubbles hope they hang aroumd for a while longer.

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