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Springer spaniel the best choice then?


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Looking at acquiring a nice little puppy for Mrs.K who is not mad gone on the idea (putting it mildly :yp: ). All the more reason to get one then :angry: .




I'm told March is the best time & I should be looking at a pup approx. 12 weeks old. Some advice would be appreciated.




Male/female (in other words, dog or bitch? :no:


12 wks old good to go for?

KC reg'd? Vaccinated etc.?

See parents etc.?

Basically, what should I be looking for in a pup &/or his/her parents? There's no point in me buying something cute but absolutely useless for the odd days hunting (down the line obviously).



Advice from you guys always appreciated :D .

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Have a look on www.ukgundogs.org my husband bought one from a chap in south wales who advertised on that site and through talking to a lot of people from the site breeders and trainers i have just bought one myself. I have also been put in touch with a really nice chap who is a trainer and he is helping me train mine ( i got my dog from his wife). i was told that it depends on what type of temprement you are looking for in a dog and to look around at different dogs before buying one. some say get a bitch but its down to personal choice i have 2 bitches that was the right choice for us. I would recomend reading Their Learning Chain By Joe Irvin it gives all the advise you could wish for and helps with the training. I have also bought a set of spaniel training DVDs by Edward Martin which i have found to be the best so far. Good luck with your new pup what ever you decide on.


P.S you have a p.m

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Generally any time after they have been weened is good time really. Spend lots of time with them and show them who is the boss. Take them out as soon as they have had their booster shots and jabs etc. to get socialised. If you want to do trials with it aswell as field work make sure it is KC Regestered at birth along with the parents. Check hip scores and eye certificates for parents and see if th temperament is right in both the pup and parents. A puppy should be not to fat and should still be very active. Always remember a dog is going to be a bit more head strong than a bitch and a bitch will have seasons so you may ant her payed if you dont want to breed from her. Anything else just ask!



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Personnally I think if you are asking if a Springer is the best choice then you should put some extra time into researching breeds and into getting out to see different dogs. You and your wife have to decide on what breed of dog will best fit your life.


Even once you have researched the breeds and have it narrowed down go out and look at numerous dogs of each breed you are interested in. You will find differrent styles of dogs and personalities within breeds. Dont rush, take your time and involve your wife after all it will be her dog aswell. :welcomeani:



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