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decoying ?????????


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I vary my decoy distances according to wind direction and where I want the pigeons to "land".


Where I want the pigeons to "land", is between 20 - 30 yards from my hide.


Pigeons normally land into the wind.


So, if the wind is right to left, I place the decoys to the right of the hide, allowing incoming pigeons to land behind them (20-30 yards from my hide).


For left to right winds, reverse the suggestion above.


For wind blowing from behind the hide, I split my decoys into two groups either side of the hide, closer in with the farthest out at about 30 yards.

Allowing pigeons to come straight towards the hide and land behind, or between the decoys.


For wind blowing in your face, I place my decoys well into the field, closest usually at about 50 yards.

This allows pigeons to land between the hide and the decoys, many will come in from the back of the hide.


These suggestions are basic and assume a windy day.

Try variations and success will come with experimentation.

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