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.410 hushpower


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Thinking of getting the above, i have seen great reviews on the single shot pedretti fully moderated barrel, can you still buy these? I've seen baikal do one that is almost identical to the pedretti.

I would be using the gun on crows is this possible? As I have seen conflicting reviews saying the 410 hasn't got enough punch and a 20bore would be better suited, Although I see a few vids on here seeing a 410 taking crows easily.

My main concern is noise levels

Would the single barrel fully moderated be more quiet?


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I have the mossberg pump hushpower and the Pedretti the Pedretti its far more quite hoth are in 410 they do a yeldiz hushpoer folder almost identical to the Pedretti except from the opening mechanism 410 will take crows if uour close to me you could try either of my hushpower's out to see the noise difference in them thining about getting a 20 u/o next to

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I have a pedretti single barrel hushpower 20g and my friend has a mossberg pump 410, using subsonics in the 20 we don't find much difference between the 2. But never had the chance to try a fully mod single 410 but would say it's bound to be quieter. In the right hands the 410 is easily good for 20-25 yards on crows, rabbits etc.... in better hands a bit further!

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