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How many guns do the MOD and Police lose each year?


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Since ACPO decided to start doing unannounced police visits bringing in to question the safety of FAC/SGC holders it will be interesting to see how many guns they lose compared to us, the results for the MOD are in. The police will follow assuming Callums freedom of information request comes through. ;)



Edited by srspower
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I like him :good:


you might want to be passing all this info to BASC / NGO/CA ect ect .

well done and thank you for taking the time and effort , this is the sort of stuff we need . to be honest I cant believe that our shooting Reps haven't thought of using info like this and ramming it down there necks !



Edited by stevo
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I like him :good:


you might want to be passing all this info to BASC / NGO/CA ect ect .

well done and thank you for taking the time and effort , this is the sort of stuff we need . to be honest I cant believe that our shooting Reps haven't thought of using info like this and ramming it down there necks !




He's a good guy, club shooter rather than a hunter but he gets the message out there. Contacting BASC etc is an excellent idea, they should be doing this really!


Interesting video. There is a leap in the logic that lost guns go to criminals. How many of these are moderators? Or recorded parts rather than a whole and working gun?

I am looking forward to your police figures


That's the whole point, Callum has seriously scewed the odds against us and we are still more or less equal to the MOD. If he was being fair he would include all 750K FAC/SGC holders and he would assume around 10% of MOD staff have access to firearms.

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I trust you'll be in the the process of obtaining the number of lost guns by certificate holders?


The comparison you mentioned will be lacking without.



The Countryside Alliance pointed out there are more than two million shotguns and firearms held under licence in the UK of which just 415 were lost or stolen in 2013, a figure that ACPO itself admits is "tiny fraction of the number of lawfully held guns". The number of lost and stolen guns is also falling.

Edited by stevo
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