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First Day out in 2015


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Well Blue and I had a little impromptu rough shoot to start the New Year as we mean to carry on.


We started on the drove and Blue worked the bitch well eventually flushing as large cock Pheasant up but I let him down missing over the top. We worked two more fields with little sight of much. Back at the farm we worked several fields seeing plenty of partridge but they flew on way before we got close. We carried on working the fields making our way to the small copse. We walked halfway along the copse with Blue at hell and then I sent him out to there right and on and he flushed some lovely partridge up. Too low to shoot as I could not see him clearly but the theory was perfect.


We worked the hedges back to the main farm. I was one side and Blue slightly ahead getting a little excited so I kept calling him back and then sending him forward. The sky was clear and the wind strong and on queue a large cock pheasant took flight just in front of me. blue flushed him and not seeing me he flew out and up going from the hedge out to my left and down he came with a single shot. Blue wanted to pick him up straight away but he needs to learn to wait and eventually he did. When I asked him to pick it he did so perfectly and presented it like a pro. We worked the hedge some more and a french partridge popped out high and moved fast to the left and down it came. I let blue pick it straight away as I winged it and he picked it and presented it perfectly. Further down and an English Partridge rose in front flushed by Blue and went left and then caught the wind and rocketed up and over presenting me a classic high bird. I missed with the first and when I took the second it was a full stretch back and down it dropped. The last was a simple going away and again it came down with a single shot.... and picked perfectly by Blue.


Blue worked constantly and never slowed. his energy and enthusiasm often meant he jumped the gun but that is just down to experience. I learnt more from watching him and seeing how he worked..... cracking dog.


By the end he was literally dog tired as the picture I have attached shows but he was one happy puppy.......



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Hi Nick,


I am so glad to see Blue is happy and working well - I have really missed him whilst Ive been out on the pheasant shooting this season, but am glad to see you are both doing so well :)






Thanks Richard - Blue is doing very well and will hopefully have his first proper shoot picking up this month and a peg dog for me at the keepers shoot.


Even the mother in-law who has never had dogs in the house has fallen for him and he is allowed to come with us when we go over there - just as well as it is there farm we shoot at :-)


Hope all is well for you and yu never know we might meet again at some country shoot or shoot.


all the best

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Well BLUE has his proper shooting day tomorrow as we are picking up for the "big estate". His first big shoot and although I am not shooting so I can give Blue all my attention I have to admit as being a little nervous. He has done amazingly well on the last four rough shoots and I am not expecting him to be perfect just to get some solid experience.

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