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Chances of being granted a SGC


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Evening all,


I've just taken to clay pigeon shooting and rather than relying on others at the ground to kindly let me use their own guns (which is greatly appreciated!), I am looking into the possibility of getting a cabinet and applying for my SGC.


I have emailed Lancashire Police about it, but would like some advice from you guys too!


Here is where I am not so sure:


  1. My current home in Lancashire is classed as a HMO, student residence. Would that put me at a disadvantage? My room is lockable and the cabinet will be going in my wardrobe fixed to the chimney breast, therefore hidden from view.
  2. I am here for 6 months, then moving back home to the Wirral before awaiting a call to go to sea. Is it possible to apply for my SGC here and then transfer it and the cabinet home when I am due to leave?
  3. What are the possibilities of having the cabinet at home (Wirral) and asking a local RFD to keep hold of a shotgun for me so I can get it when I need it up here(Lancs)?
  4. Do I need to seek my landlords permission to put a cabinet in? The tenancy agreement doesn't mention firearms or weapons.

Thanks for your time and thoughts, :good:


Chris :)

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I think they'd rather grant you one at home under your normal police constabulary and if you want to take it up to your student location lock it with a trigger lock and bolted to the wall with a clamp or wire chain type arrangement.


you will need to confirm it with your landlord tad to whether you can store guns there. Might be that someone else renting is known to the police too you never know.

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Thanks Brad!


I think that's the best possibility to be honest!


With regards to my housemates, one is a former farm hand and SGC holder and as we are in the Merchant Navy we have to be cleared by the US government to obtain our C1/D visas, possibly one of the strictest visas to obtain, where even a police caution can see you being denied one.

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I think they'd rather grant you one at home under your normal police constabulary and if you want to take it up to your student location lock it with a trigger lock and bolted to the wall with a clamp or wire chain type arrangement.

you will need to confirm it with your landlord tad to whether you can store guns there. Might be that someone else renting is known to the police too you never know.

Good advice, also speak to your FEO





Edited by flynny
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Find out who your FEO is for your home address, and give him a ring to discuss your circumstances. The FEO gives impartial advice, and makes a recommendation to the Firearms Licensing Manger who has the ultimate say if you apply, but, as long as you follow the advice of the FEO, chances of refusal are small.


From your circumstances as described, your student digs are an almost certain no-no as the licensed address, but no reason why you should not get one for you home residence, and the gun can be taken on travels anywhere in the UK as long as you apply "adequate security" - that can be as simple as dividing the gun when its away from home into its main parts and keeping them apart - i.e., fore-end with you in your jacket, barrels locked in the car boot, stock and action locked away in the digs - ammo some-where else again - the chance of any-one being able to bring everything together to make unauthorised use of your gun is remote, and the provision of adequate security when away from the licensed home address is complied with as a result.

Edited by clayman
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